He Decided to Drink One Gallon of Water Every Day For 30 Days and Here’s What Happened!
Here’s what happened:
1st Day – He bought a plastic bottle of 1 gallon. He knew that it won’t be easy to drink that amount of water, but he didn’t give up!
5th Day – We all know that the human body is consisted of 60% of water and it needs water on a daily basis to fully operate. However, in order to drink this amount of water in one day, you have to drink water all the time, even when you are not thirsty. This will make you feel the need to urinate frequently. The journalist said he needed to urinate every 20 minutes.
10th Day – The journalist says that he started to feel better, especially in the morning. He said that after starting this experiment, he felt energized and fresh without a cup of coffee in the morning. Moreover, he felt something had changed in his appearance – His skin and hair had become shinier.
15th Day – He said that he felt fresh and full of energy. Before, he used to drink a cup of coffee per day, but now, he didn’t feel the need for it. So, it was quite a big change for him. Another thing he noticed was that he slept much better and also become a bit faster. His body had adapted to the new lifestyle.
20th Day – This person continued to urinate frequently, but he noticed that his urine had begun to be crystal clear. Also, his girlfriend said his skin looked clearer and much better. He felt refreshed and got used to drinking the huge amounts of water.
30th Day – After 30 days, he said that he still had to urinate all the time, but on the last day of his experiment, he felt thirsty all the time. He adds that drinking a gallon of water a day is too much, but he has no intention to stop consuming it because he has felt the positive effects it brings. However, it is important to know the right amount of water for you and drink it immediately.
Source: World Health Guide
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