After we’ve all been bombarded with news upon news on Donald Trump Jr this week, the Senate Judiciary Committee wants him to testify about his 2016 meeting with Russian attorney.
Committee Chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said the main focus of senators will be on a series of emails sent between Donald Trump Jr. and his music publicist, Rob Goldstone.

Grassley said, Trump will be invited to testify by letter, and if that does not work, a subpoena will be issued.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif would like him to appear next week.
“This is aired on front page newspapers. It should be aired front-page (in the) United States Senate. The committee of jurisdiction is clearly the Judiciary Committee,” she said earlier this week.

The emails that Donald Trump Jr. released showed communications between him and Goldstone. They said that the Russian lawyer had damning information against Hillary Clinton, yet she never did provide any of the alleged information.
The emails included this sentence, “This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

Many claim that the wording proves that Russia was working with Trump, many others disagree however.
Grassley said that Trump Jr. testifying will certainly clear the air.
“I think it’s just raised a lot of questions. But the real way that I feel comfortable inviting him is ever since President Trump was elected,” Grassley said Thursday. “It seems like every conversation that has come from somebody in the family where there’s been some sort of issue, they’ve seemed always to be very, very open.”

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