POLL : Should Clint Eastwood Apologize To Muslims About ” American Sniper ” ?

According to the Conservative Tribune, an angry Muslim group (I thought they were ALL angry) wants both Clint Eastwood and Bradley Cooper to ‘speak out’ against the film they created, American Sniper.
Supposedly, Anti-Muslim comments that have been made by Americans in connection with it, says the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee- and it’s putting them in ‘danger’.

“ADC takes these threats seriously and is reaching out to you in an effort to help reduce the hateful rhetoric. It is our opinion that you could play a significant role in assisting us in alleviating the danger we are facing,” the group wrote in an open letter to Eastwood and Cooper.
“I am asking if you are willing to make a statement against the violent rhetoric being exhibited,” the letter continued. “The statement should make it clear that we cannot tolerate hate and bigotry here in America.”

Yea, well, I am asking you to not kill a bunch of Americans on 9/11. I am asking you not to have jihad training camps on American soil. I am asking you not behead people. Just saying. Maybe Obama tolerates your B.S., but I call it like I see it. Radical Islamic Terrorism.


  1. I guess he could apologize when the liberal movie makers apologize for all the movies/TV shows/TV series they make to belittle the Conservative presidents/party.

  2. Oh, yeah...Clint Eastwood is known to back track and bow to liberals and Islamists. NOT. I can't wait until Islam is declared a terrorist mental abberration and we are allowed to simply shoot them on sight. Fuck Islam.
